Open the Door: Donate Now image

Open the Door: Donate Now

Housing is Stability * Housing is Healthcare * Housing is Everything

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Opening Doors

Southwick House empowers women and families through supportive services by developing skills to achieve and maintain independence. Our transitional housing program has served women in Kansas for 100 years.

Join us in 2024 as we reimagine what is possible through a campaign to Open the Door to a new facility for the next 100 years.

The situation:

A young mother and her toddler son are living with her father who is a convicted felon/registered sex offender. He had been doing well for years but relapsed with his drug use causing paranoia and unusual behavior making the young woman scared for herself and her child. She has no other family who can take her in and is not working thus has no resources to get a place of her own right away.

- message from a Community Partner desperately seeking housing for this young mother